Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Boy, have things changed since my last post!  We have added two more children into our family!!  Yup, two in less than two years!!  And this mommy wouldnt have it any other way!!  The one thing that hasnt changed...my desire to make myself skinny again.  If anything, it has gotten more and more appealing.  This time we tied my tubes...so knowing I wont be pregnant again and putting on more weight I am very determined to lose this weight!  The morning of my last csection I weighed in at a 232 pounds...and only five foot one!  9 weeks post partum I am down to 184.  Now obviously, a lot of that is baby weight....but I feel GREAT!!  I'm ready to start my blog of my weightloss journey, food ideas and then building up my muscle and toning all areas of my body!! Feel free to join me, follow my blog and share ur fitness goals, workouts, recipes, etc!! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thank you Bowen's!

Our family was graciously blessed this past week.  On old friend of Nick's gave us a bike wagon for the girls.  So that's been a family outting we've been doing lots lately.  Girls love it and we get some exercise.  Today my diet struggled a little because Kynzie got dedicated at church and then we celebrated at the Barn Restaurant, with an amazing home cooked buffet.  I was pretty proud of myself though because I ate a big salad first and then only had a tiny bit of roast beef and dressing.  The one thing that hurt me was my roll! 
And as far as my big challenge, I've gone from 4 cans of diet pop each day to 1 pop.  I've replaced them with ice water.  I'm slowly weaning myself off completely! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

More color please....

Last night we made fajitas.  THe next big change we are making is adding more color to our diet.  Before, we ate LOTS of browns and whites.  Meat, potatoes and breads. 
Neither of us are big veggie eaters but peppers, mushrooms and onions we love! 
Lots of Salads and fajitas in this house now, so if anyone has any other suggestions with color please let me know!  
As of this morning, Nicholas is down 6 lbs.  And I'm down 4.   Which will bring me to my next post, man vs woman. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Choosing skinny

For our adoption life books we have to create a life book that has tons of pictures of us in it.  Easy right??   Well, of course it is..."We both looked GREAT at our wedding.  We can use all wedding pictures." 
One of the guidelines we received from the agency was no wedding pictures, so now it gets tricky.  We've put on weight, lots of weight.  And our pictures are far from flattering.  While looking for pictures one of us was not happy with every single picture we used.  So, we are on operation skinny now.  A few nights back we took those dreaded front, side and back pictures.  Let me tell you, IT IS NOT PRETTY!  So, that being said....we will not be sharing those pictures now!  Maybe when there's some progress made.
My family comes from a long line of heart attacks.  Nick's family also has had some.  And we are well on our way with our eating and exercise habits.  It's time to make a change.  Anyone who would like to join our journey please please follow along!  And dont be afraid to confront us if you see us not being faithful to our plan.   We're going to log our process, meal ideas that we are enjoying and even pictures of some of our activities. 
Nick gets a work out during the day by moving furniture so he's pretty tired when he gets home.  My excuse is that I want to stay in with him, but that's not an excuse any longer.  Today the babysitting kids, girls and I took a walk to the park.  It was a win-win for all of us.  I got to do some walking (slower than weight loss pace, but its a start) and the kids got to play!  We all had a blast!  It was a hot one though.
First change we're making...switching everything to whole grain and every sandwich will have veggies in it!  Giving up pop is not a possibility at this point.  If you only knew how addicted we are, it's sad.  But we're switching to diet pops for no, zero calories.  I know it's still not best, but it's better!